I'm having a problem using a mat-sidenav with position="end" inside a mat-sidenav-container that is part of a custom component. The custom component is essentially the mat-sidenav-container, the left side mat-sidenav, plus ng-content slots for the left sidenav content, page content, and an optional right mat-sidenav.
Sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-fxp7dt
The problem is that the right sidenav backdrop does not display. A DOM inspection shows that the right mat-sidenav is added inside the mat-content element which is probably why the backdrop is missing. If the same kind of layout is set up without a custom component for the mat-sidenav-container, the right side mat-sidenav is a sibling of mat-content and the other mat-sidenav.
Can anybody see what I might be doing wrong? Or does this seem like a bug in Angular Material?