
I'm having issues with my rails app when i deploy it to heroku. I'm using steam-omniauth. The log out function works correctly on my machine, but won't work when deployed. Clicking the logout link transfers me to a 404 screen and this error message in the log. looks like its trying to use 'get' for some reason. I've also made sure to rake my db, and pushed the latest versions through to heroku. I'm kind of out of ideas.

at=info method=GET path="/logout" host=warm-sands-60002.herokuapp.com request_id=d01b9d02-238f-41f6-a894-0e74bf64a1c0 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=6ms status=404 bytes=1902 protocol=https`

my destroy action in the sessions_controller

def destroy
  if current_user
    flash[:success] = "Goodbye!"
    redirect_to root_path

sessions helper

def current_user
    if cookies[:remember_token].present?
        @current_user ||= User.find_by_remember_token(cookies[:remember_token])


match '/auth/:provider/callback', to: 'sessions#create', via: :all

delete '/logout', to: 'sessions#destroy'

and my logout link

<li class="nav-item"><%= link_to 'Log Out', logout_path, method: :delete %></li>

if theres anything i can provide let me know. this is pretty frustrating.

make sure you're including rails_ujs in your javascript bundle; alternatively, you can set the config.sign_out_via to [:get, :delete] in devise.rbJosh Brody

1 Answers


Per your log message, the logout action is being submitted with a GET instead of a DELETE method. It looks like your logout link is using UJS.

If it's working locally in dev, but not when deployed, it's probably because your javascript isn't compiling correctly, served correctly, or being loaded correctly. Look at your browser developer console to see if anything is being logged there.