
I'm trying to create aks cluster with command

az aks create --node-vm-size Standard_A2 --resource-group dev --name cluster --node-count 1 --generate-ssh-keys --debug

It successfully creates the AD App for the cluster.

Anyway, it shows the error:

Operation failed with status: 'Bad Request'. Details: Service principal clientID: not found in Active Directory tenant .

The clientId is the id of the app in the AD it has created. I don't have even an idea where does it take the tenant guid.

So does somebody knows how can I solve the issue?

Info about my subscription: One account, one directory (Default), two subscriptions (trial expired, and bizspark one).


1 Answers


So in my experience I had to specify clientId\clientSecret to the az aks command to be able to créate aks cluster. I dont think that's a permissions issue (because I definitely have permissions to créate new service principal on my subscriptions), but rather a bug.

az aks create --resource-group aks --name aks --location westeurope --service-principal guid --client-secret 'secret'