
I am using a monthly time series data which is infact a xts object. My aim is to covert the monthly data to daily data, such that each day in a Month has a value of the particular month.

For example:

observation_dates <- as.Date(c("01.12.1993", "01.01.1994",
"01.02.1994", "01.03.1994", "01.04.1994", "01.05.1994", 
"01.06.1994", "01.07.1994", "01.08.1994", "01.09.1994", 
"01.10.1994", "01.11.1994", "01.12.1994"), format = "%d.%m.%Y")
air_data <- zoo(matrix(c(21, 21, 21, 30, 35.5, 36, 38.5, 
33, 37, 37, 30, 24, 21), ncol = 1), observation_dates)
colnames(air_data) = "air_temperature"

The series is as shown above. I want to have all the 31 days in December 1993 to have a value of 21 (Air temp) so that average of the month still remains 21. And similarly i want to proceed for the rest of the months as shown.

I have tried using to.period(x, period="days") but nothing changes.

please does anyone have any idea? Your help would be appreciated

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2 Answers


Thank you so much for your response. However i was able to solve the problem. The approach i used is similar to as suggested by Ekatef. In my case i created empty xts object containing all the dates and converted all the variables in empty xts to numeric using lapply(). Then i merged the empty xts with monthly data series using: merge(x,y,fill=na.locf). here na.locf carries forward the last observation in the monthly series to all the days in the month and subsequently follows for the other month.


The xts package isn't applicable to your problem as according to help of to.period:

It is not possible to convert a series from a lower periodicity to a higher periodicity - e.g. weekly to daily or daily to 5 minute bars, as that would require magic

It seems, approx() function may be the best solution if interpolation is desired

# emulation of the original monthly dates
observation_dates <- as.Date(c("01.12.1993", "01.01.1994", 
"01.02.1994", "01.03.1994", "01.04.1994", "01.05.1994", 
"01.06.1994", "01.07.1994", "01.08.1994", "01.09.1994", 
"01.10.1994", "01.11.1994", "01.12.1994"), format = "%d.%m.%Y")
t_air <- c(21, 23, 20, 30, 35.5, 36, 38.5, 33, 37, 37, 30, 24, 27)
# target dates
seq_date <- seq(from = as.Date("01.12.1993", format = "%d.%m.%Y"),
to = as.Date("31.12.1994", format = "%d.%m.%Y"), by = 1)
ans <- approx(observation_dates, y = t_air, xout = seq_date)

If only one value for each month should be used, I would solve your problems using two data frames. The first one obs_data to keep the observation data with a column of the dates in a convenient "year-month" format

ym_dates <- format(observation_dates, "%Y-%m")
t_air <- c(21, 23, 20, 30, 35.5, 36, 38.5, 33, 37, 37, 30, 24, 27)
obs_data <- data.frame(observation_dates, ym_dates ,t_air)

The second one res_df to keep the target dates seq_date of daily resolution. The column air_t is filled with NA first

res_df <- data.frame(seq_date, ym = format(seq_date, "%Y-%m"),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE, air_t = NA)

Then fill the air_t column with data from the obs_data using correspondence of the years and months as a condition

dates_to_int <- unique(res_df$ym)
for (i in seq(along.with = dates_to_int))
    res_df[which(res_df$ym %in% dates_to_int[i]), "air_t"] <-
        obs_data[which(obs_data$ym_dates %in% dates_to_int[i]), "t_air"]

Hope, it'll be helpful :)