
Method Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump is not callable, can not call post-autoload-dump script

@php artisan package:discover

There are no commands defined in the "package" namespace.

Script @php artisan package:discover handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 1

So, what is you question? What did you do to get this error? Please add more context.common sense
Same thing. Just updated composer.json as in upgrade guide and ran composer update.Alexander Konotop
Hm... Of course it's not callable, there's no such method because I've accidently changed 5.4->5.3 instead of 5.4->5.5 in my composer.json.Alexander Konotop

1 Answers


This would normally happen if the version of laravel in your composer.json file is under 5.5.

You will want to make sure you have:

"laravel/framework": "5.5.*",

In the require portion of the json. Sometimes, if you update through composer, it will load the package from the cache. You might want to delete your $PROJECT_DIR/vendor/* folder and then run:

composer update --prefer-source

Notice the output to see that laravel/framework is indeed at 5.5.*.