
I have 2 workbooks named "a" and "b" both using the same data sources. In workbook "a", I have first made all live connections to extracts and then saved all 8 data sources on tableau server. Now in workbook "b" , I have replaced all the live connections with the tableau data source connections.

My question here is : 1. Is workbook "b" connecting to extracts on the server?

  1. Will workbook "b" refresh data sources as well as calculated fields if I change the data sources on the server?

  2. When I see workbook "b's" data soures(See image no 5 in file), I can see that it says Live instead of Extract. Why is it so ?

Server Images

What do you mean when you say "live connections to extracts" in the second sentence? That's a bit contradictory. Do you mean you have a live connection to an external data source and also created an associated extract? (that's a normal case) Or do you mean you connected directly to a TDE file losing the connection to the original source? (sometimes called a naked extract)Alex Blakemore
Hi Alex, I meant to say that the connection was earlier live and since we were facing performance issues with the live connection, we changed it to extract and then published the extracts on the server. Followed by this we connected workbook "b" to the same set of extracts on the server and not locally.Kapil Lehar

1 Answers

  1. Is workbook "b" connecting to extracts on the server? Yes

  2. Will workbook "b" refresh data sources as well as calculated fields if I change the data sources on the server? It would but you should ideally do it on desktop, test it and then publish to server.

  3. When I see workbook "b's" data soures(See image no 5 in file), I can see that it says Live instead of Extract. Why is it so ? Because you are connecting to the published data source which is live.

For more details go to: https://onlinehelp.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/en-us/publish_datasources_about.html