I'm trying to use Laravel Queues for sending emails using the database driver, I have already configured it, run the migration for the "jobs" table and when I run this:
Mail::to($user->email)->queue(new CompraRealizadaAdmin(Cart::content(), $monto_descuento, $envio, $user_array, $direccion, $compra));
A record is added on the "jobs" table, but, how do I run the queue on the database table?, I understand that for triggering it at the moment it is added, I will need to run the command php artisan queue:listen
, or if I need to run all the ones that are still on queue, I will use php artisan queue:work
But how do I run the command without the need to open terminal and keep it open until it has finished...?
I had the idea of creating a schedule and run it every minute and just execute the code: Artisan::call('queue:work');
but that does not work.
Any ideas?