The documentation on pubsub pricing is very minimal. Can someone explain the costs for the scenario below ?
- Size of the data per event = 0.5 KB
- Size of data per day = 1 TB
There is only one publisher app and there are two dataflow pipeline subscriptions.
The very rough estimate I can come up with is:
- 1x publishing
- 2x subscription (1x for each subscription)
- 2x acknowledgment (1x for each subscription ack)
The questions are:
- Is total data volume per month, 150 (30* 1 TB * 5x) TB? That is 8000$ per month from the price calculator.
- 1 KB min size for the calculation is applicable even for acknowledging a message?
- Dataflow handles subscribe/acknowledge in bundles of ParDos. But, Is the bundle for each message acknowledged separately?