I am using a for loop:
foreach n of numlist 1/7 {
Then doing various things like...
recode ${controls`n'} (.=0)
pscore intervention_family ${controls`n'}, pscore(ps_oowb)
is a previously defined macro with a variables list in it.
global controls1 ///
age ///
sex ///
This is all fine until I need to use another for loop as follows...
foreach var in $controls`n' {
local i=`i'
putexcel A`i'="`var'" B`i'="U" C`i'=`r(m1u_`var')'
I cannot put brackets round
here as then Stata says 'code after brace on same line' but without them Stata does not seem to recognise this global.
Previously I was simply calling a macro
foreach var in $controls {
And it worked fine. Anyone know the correct syntax / work around?
is not defined that we can see. – Nick Cox