How can I get the available memory of a MIFARE DESFire EV1 card? I know some Android applications show the available memory. So is there any APDU command to get the available memory?
1 Answers
You can get the total memory size using the GetVersion command:
<-- 90 60 0000 00 --> ZZ YY XX WW VV TT SS 91AF <-- 90 AF 0000 00 --> ZZ YY XX WW VV TT SS 91AF <-- 90 AF 0000 00 --> UUUUUUUUUUUUUU NNNNNNNNNN WW YY 9100
Where SS is the storage size and can be decoded as
int storageBytes = 1 << ((int)SS & 0x0FE) >>> 1);
bool storageExact = ((int)SS & 0x01) != 0;
The lowest bit indicates if the indicated storage size (in bytes) is an exact value or if the actual storage size is between storageBytes
and storageBytes * 2
You can also get the available free memory (in bytes) using the FreeMem command:
<-- 90 6E 0000 00 --> SSSSSS 9100