Right now I believe I have most things setup correctly. Auth0 is saving the jwt to the client who is then using it for future requests. I use express-jwt to verify the token. From reading the Auth0 docs, I think I need the client secret (when I use that to decode the jwt I get an odd error: UnauthorizedError: error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line
) So I'm just wondering where about's this secret key comes from?
Current code which just decodes the JWT into its signing scheme etc:
const jwtCheck = jwt({ secret: jwks.expressJwtSecret({ cache: true, rateLimit: true, jwksRequestsPerMinute: 5, jwksUri: 'https://xelitexirish.eu.auth0.com/.well-known/jwks.json' }), audience: 'https://www.shaunoneill.com', issuer: 'https://xelitexirish.eu.auth0.com/', algorithms: ['RS256'] });
- so no client secret required in order to verify the token. Difficult to comment further as you have offered limited info. What are you trying to achieve? – arcseldon