I host a site on a single EC2 instance behind CloudFront and need to redirect all non-www traffic to www.
From other Q/A here on SO I was able to configure an A record on Route53 to redirect traffic from example.com to www.example.com. However, this only works for http traffic, not https traffic.
How can I get the https traffic for the naked (non-www) URL to redirect to my canonical URL https://www.example.com?
I know there are similar questions asked already, but I don't see any with my same configuration (most are for sites hosted in an S3 bucket or for redirecting from www to non-www).
Current URL handling situation
https://www.example.com - Canonical URL for the site, handled by CloudFront
http://www.example.com - CloudFront redirects to https://www.example.com
https://example.com - Unreachable!!!
http://example.com - Route53 redirects to https://www.example.com via S3 bucket
Other details
The CloudFront distribution uses an AWS-generated certificate which covers the following domains:
Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) listed in the distribution are:
Route53 has the following A records:
www.example.com -> CloudFront distribution
example.com -> S3 bucket, configured to redirect to www.example.com