Short Version:
Why does the following code not produce an output when navbox.next_article
is the string '2018-01-05-man-command'?!
{% capture np %} {{ site.posts | where:"post","navbox.next_article contains post.title" }} {% endcapture %}
The next post is {{ np.title }}
My post
has a YAML front matter:
layout : post
title : 'Man Command'
tags : [RHCSA, RHCSA_mod, Using Essential Tools, Man Command]
categories: [RHCSA]
# prev_article:
next_article: 2018-01-05-understanding-globbing-and-wildcards
This is accessed by the _includes/post.html
file through:
{% unless include.excerpt %}
{{ post.content }}
{% include navbox.html navbox=page.navbox %}
{% endunless %}
This is used by the _layout/post.html
which sets the layout for the post:
{% include post.html post=page link_title=false %}
My navbox.html
{% assign navbox = include.navbox %}
{% capture np %} {{ site.posts | where:"post","navbox.next_article contains post.title" }} {% endcapture %}
The next post is {{ np.title }}
However, all I get when I run bundle exec jekyll serve
The next post is
Why does that line not work? I'm new to jekyll so it's possible I've made a blunder somewhere that's intuitive to most. Please tell me what I can fix.