I have several apps developed using spring boot. Some apps call another apps, that in time call other apps, it is getting hard to manage and scale. I need to be able to distribute them in a network and also combine the apps in different 'flows' with minimun changes to the apps.
Ideally I would like to wrap the apps and abstract them into components that have N inputs and M outputs. At boot time I would use some configuration to wire the inputs and outputs to real kafka topic queues. For instance, input A to an app can come from several kafka topic queues, and the output B from the same app can go to other set of kafka topic queues.
I would like to be able to change the queues without having to recompile the apps, also no extra network hops to send/receive from/to multiple queues, this should in the same process and multi threaded.
Does anybody knows if something similar exists already? Can spring integration do this? Apache Camel? Or am I better off writing it myself?