
I have several apps developed using spring boot. Some apps call another apps, that in time call other apps, it is getting hard to manage and scale. I need to be able to distribute them in a network and also combine the apps in different 'flows' with minimun changes to the apps.

Ideally I would like to wrap the apps and abstract them into components that have N inputs and M outputs. At boot time I would use some configuration to wire the inputs and outputs to real kafka topic queues. For instance, input A to an app can come from several kafka topic queues, and the output B from the same app can go to other set of kafka topic queues.

I would like to be able to change the queues without having to recompile the apps, also no extra network hops to send/receive from/to multiple queues, this should in the same process and multi threaded.

Does anybody knows if something similar exists already? Can spring integration do this? Apache Camel? Or am I better off writing it myself?


1 Answers


See Spring for Apache Kafka. There is also a spring-integration-kafka extension that sits on top of spring-kafka.

The Spring for Apache Kafka (spring-kafka) project applies core Spring concepts to the development of Kafka-based messaging solutions. It provides a "template" as a high-level abstraction for sending messages. It also provides support for Message-driven POJOs with @KafkaListener annotations and a "listener container". These libraries promote the use of dependency injection and declarative. In all of these cases, you will see similarities to the JMS support in the Spring Framework and RabbitMQ support in Spring AMQP.