
I'm using the Akka Streams Kafka library to interact with Kafka broker. I have the following stream definition with an UnBounded buffer:

  def producerStream[T: MessageType](producerProperties: Map[String, String]) = {
    val streamSource = source[T](producerProperties)
    val streamFlow = flow[T](producerProperties)
    val streamSink = sink(producerProperties)

I call the producerStream from within an Actor instance. I have a message of type:

case class InitiateStream[T](publisher: ActorRef, anyMessage: T)

In my Actor, I have the following Receive block:

  override def receive: Receive = super.receive orElse {
    case StartProducerStream(publisherActor, DefaultMessage) =>
      // context.become(active)

    case other => println(s"SHIT !! Got unknown message: $other")

The publisherActor will eventually get the messages that are supposed to be pushed to the respective Kafka topic.

Now my question is, do I have to bother about closing the producerStream?

I was thinking about doing a context.become(active(producerStream)) as soon as I start the stream and in the active method, I will handle the stream termination based on a DestroyStream message. Is this needed? What do you guys think?


1 Answers


If you use the Akka Kafka consumer, the source emits events indefinitely as far as events are available in the topic. Why do you need to close the producer?

I´ll suggest to call the following to start your source:

def producerSource[T: MessageType](producerProperties: Map[String, String]) = {
    val streamSource = source[T](producerProperties)
    val streamFlow = flow[T](producerProperties)
    val streamSink = sink(producerProperties)

def startStream[A](source: Source[A, NotUsed])(
  implicit am: ActorMaterializer): (UniqueKillSwitch, Future[Done]) = {

var streamHandler : Option[UniqueKillSwitch] = None

  override def receive: Receive = super.receive orElse {
    case StartProducerStream(publisherActor, DefaultMessage) =>
      streamHandler = Some(producerStream[DefaultMessage](cfg.producerProps))

    case other => println(s"SHIT !! Got unknown message: $other")

and for the active behavior:

   val active: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = 
     case DestroyStream => 