As mentioned by @Tw UxTLi51Nus, if you can order the DataFrame, let's say, by Animal, without this changing your results, you can then do the following:
def add_labels(indx):
return rating[indx-1] # since row num begins from 1
labels_udf = udf(add_labels, IntegerType())
a = spark.createDataFrame([("Dog", "Cat"), ("Cat", "Dog"), ("Mouse", "Cat")],["Animal", "Enemy"])
a = spark.sql('select row_number() over (order by "Animal") as num, * from a')
| 1| Dog| Cat|
| 2| Cat| Dog|
| 3| Mouse| Cat|
new_df = a.withColumn('Rating', labels_udf('num'))
| 1| Dog| Cat| 5|
| 2| Cat| Dog| 4|
| 3| Mouse| Cat| 1|
And then drop the num
| Dog| Cat| 5|
| Cat| Dog| 4|
| Mouse| Cat| 1|
Another - but perhaps ugly and a bit inefficient - way, if you cannot sort by a column, is to go back to rdd and do the following:
a = spark.createDataFrame([("Dog", "Cat"), ("Cat", "Dog"), ("Mouse", "Cat")],["Animal", "Enemy"])
# or create the rdd from the start:
# a = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([("Dog", "Cat"), ("Cat", "Dog"), ("Mouse", "Cat")])
a = a.rdd.zipWithIndex()
a = a.toDF()
| _1| _2|
| [Dog,Cat]| 0|
| [Cat,Dog]| 1|
|[Mouse,Cat]| 2|
a ='Animal').alias('Animal'), bb._1.getItem('Enemy').alias('Enemy'), bb._2.alias('num'))
def add_labels(indx):
return rating[indx] # indx here will start from zero
labels_udf = udf(add_labels, IntegerType())
new_df = a.withColumn('Rating', labels_udf('num'))
|Animal | Enemy|num|Rating|
| Dog| Cat| 0| 5|
| Cat| Dog| 1| 4|
| Mouse| Cat| 2| 1|
(I would not recommend this if you have much data)
Hope this helps, good luck!