I have a generated an apikit-router which routes to a raml file and generated an xml flows from it.
<when expression="message.inboundProperties.role == "backoffice""> <apikit:router config-ref="backoffice-config" doc:name="Backoffice APIKit Router"/></when> ...
When I started the run the project, I receieved an error
org.mule.module.apikit.exception.ApikitRuntimeException: Invalid API descriptor -- errors found: 1 Raml parser uncaught exception: null
Now, my question is: Can someone explain to me what does this exception mean? I want to determine what causes the exception.
I tried to find documentations on this kind of exceptions and I haven't found a documentation for this(If there's one, please help me find the link).
My RAML definition is just a mock for testing:
#%RAML 1.0
title: mocktest
mediaType: application/json
description: Describes a list of Employees.
description: Request Body for a new Employee Post Request.
description: OK Responsebody for a new EMployee POst Req.
example: |
"employeeName":"Lorem Ipsum"
If this helps: I didn't add an http-listener to the apikit-router flow hence, In theory(mine) it will use the main HTTP-Listener to route on to the xml-generated flows from the RAML file.
Main Objective: Is to route a message depending by an inboundProperty whether its value is 'backoffice' or 'client', the reason the apikit-router is inside a choice sub-flow.