
I want to write a rule that will allow the user to read if and only if the nested child has the userId same as the auth uID

My database structure is as follows

        "fromId"    :  "uid1234n5g3h34g5g5h33j33g4g43h3h3"
        "text"  : "Hi, Can you please help me on this?"
        "toId"  : "uid234553sdfj3n4hjjh3jk3h3jk4k4nm3m3"

In this database structure, the -KDKndo4sg47f7s9 is groupId/group key and -KDlmsn4hj4h4jk2n is messageId/message key. Here is my rule

             ".read": "data.child('$messageId').child('fromId').val() === auth.uid" ,
             ".write":"newData.child('$messageId').child('fromId').val() === auth.uid"        

I tested read access to the rule by using the location /Chats/-KDKndo4sg47f7s9 and userId “uid1234n5g3h34g5g5h33j33g4g43h3h3”

The read and write are always denied. But if I'm writing the rule by passing the key directly as below

              ".read": "data.child(‘-KDlmsn4hj4h4jk2n’).child('fromId').val() === auth.uid" ,
              ".write":"newData.child(‘-KDlmsn4hj4h4jk2n').child('fromId').val() === auth.uid",        

Both read and write are allowed. In short, I don't want to allow one user to read another user's messages. Please help me on this. Thanks in advance.


1 Answers


This rule is incorrect:

     ".read": "data.child('$messageId')"

In the third line you have a string '$messageId'. More likely you want it to be data.child($messageId), but that will give a syntax error because $messageId is not defined. Putting $messageId in quotes will remove the syntax error, but now it's just a literal string without the meaning you want.

My best guess is that your database structure means /Chats/$groupId/$messageId, in which case your rules should reflect that:

       ".read": "data.child($messageId).child('fromId').val() === auth.uid"

With this rule you will be able to read a message if you are the sender.