- Datastax driver Cassandra version: 3.3.2
- Scala version: 2.12.4
I'm playing with creating a scala wrapper for the mappingmanager in the datastax java driver for Cassandra.
For this I have the following simple table:
id UUID,
title TEXT,
completed boolean,
PRIMARY KEY((id), completed, title)
) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (completed ASC, title ASC);
The createAsync, saveAsync and deleteAsync functions are working fine now. Now I want to implement the more general executeAsync functionality. Therefore I have the following code:
private def executeAsync(query: String, params: Any*): Future[ResultSet] = {
params match {
case Seq() =>
session.executeAsync(query) // had a problem with empty params varargs
case _ =>
prepareAsync(query).map(preparedStatement =>
.map(x => {
println(x) // correctly prints the param
).flatMap(x => {
println("here") // never gets printed
private def prepareAsync(query: String): Future[PreparedStatement] = {
The following query retrieves the values correctly:
val future: Future[List[TodoCassandra]] = customMappingManager.executeQueryAsync("SELECT * FROM todo;")
future.onComplete {
case Success(x) =>
The following examples:
val future: Future[List[TodoCassandra]] = customMappingManager.executeQueryAsync("INSERT INTO todo (id, title, completed) VALUES (uuid(), ?, ?)", "prepared statement test", false)
val future: Future[List[TodoCassandra]] = customMappingManager.executeQueryAsync("INSERT INTO todo (id, completed, title) VALUES (uuid(), ?, ?)", false, "prepared statement test")
val future: Future[List[TodoCassandra]] = customMappingManager.executeQueryAsync("SELECT * FROM todo WHERE id = ?", "a8a6da8b-3d0e-40b3-99e5-fe2f664f50d0")
Result in:
- Codec not found for requested operation: [varchar <-> scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer]) (of class scala.util.Failure)
- Codec not found for requested operation: [boolean <-> scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer]) (of class scala.util.Failure)
- Codec not found for requested operation: [uuid <-> scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer]) (of class scala.util.Failure)
Why is it always 'converting' from a scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer? What can be the solution to fix this?