I try to do Razor ContosoUniversity (renamed in ContsoObserve initally) for Visual Studio 2017 and get error my .csproj is
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design" Version="2.0.1" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Tools" Version="2.0.1" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Utils" Version="2.0.1" />
<PackageReference Update="Microsoft.NETCore.App" Version="2.0.4" />
<DotNetCliToolReference Include="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Tools" Version="2.0.1" />
I installed all that packages in NuGet
and when I
dotnet aspnet-codegenerator razorpage -m Student -dc SchoolContext -udl -outDir Pages\Students --referenceScriptLibraries
Build FAILED. Data\SchoolContext.cs(5,17): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'EntityFrameworkCore' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Pages\About.cshtml.cs(5,32): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'RazorPages' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Pages\Contact.cshtml.cs(5,32): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'RazorPages' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Pages\Error.cshtml.cs(6,32): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'RazorPages' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Pages\Index.cshtml.cs(6,32): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'RazorPages' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Program.cs(7,28): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Hosting' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.AspNetCore' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Program.cs(8,28): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Configuration' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.Extensions' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Program.cs(9,28): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Logging' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.Extensions' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Startup.cs(5,28): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Builder' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.AspNetCore' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Startup.cs(6,28): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Hosting' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.AspNetCore' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Startup.cs(7,28): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Configuration' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.Extensions' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Startup.cs(10,17): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'EntityFrameworkCore' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Pages\About.cshtml.cs(9,31): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'PageModel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Program.cs(39,23): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'IWebHost' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Data\SchoolContext.cs(10,34): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'DbContext' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Startup.cs(21,16): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'IConfiguration' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Pages\Contact.cshtml.cs(9,33): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'PageModel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Startup.cs(33,31): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'IApplicationBuilder' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Startup.cs(33,56): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'IHostingEnvironment' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Data\SchoolContext.cs(16,16): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'DbSet<>' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Startup.cs(16,24): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'IConfiguration' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Pages\Error.cshtml.cs(10,31): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'PageModel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Data\SchoolContext.cs(17,16): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'DbSet<>' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Data\SchoolContext.cs(18,16): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'DbSet<>' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Data\SchoolContext.cs(20,49): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ModelBuilder' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Data\SchoolContext.cs(20,33): error CS0115: 'SchoolContext.OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder)': no suitable method found to override [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Pages\Index.cshtml.cs(10,31): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'PageModel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Data\SchoolContext.cs(12,30): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'DbContextOptions<>' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] 0 Warning(s) 28 Error(s) I try unload and reload project. Same result.
I add and errors count decrease
Data\SchoolContext.cs(5,17): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'EntityFrameworkCore' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Pages\About.cshtml.cs(5,32): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'RazorPages' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Pages\Contact.cshtml.cs(5,32): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'RazorPages' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Pages\Error.cshtml.cs(6,32): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'RazorPages' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Pages\Index.cshtml.cs(6,32): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'RazorPages' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Startup.cs(10,17): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'EntityFrameworkCore' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Pages\About.cshtml.cs(9,31): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'PageModel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Data\SchoolContext.cs(10,34): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'DbContext' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Pages\Contact.cshtml.cs(9,33): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'PageModel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Pages\Error.cshtml.cs(10,31): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'PageModel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Data\SchoolContext.cs(16,16): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'DbSet<>' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Pages\Index.cshtml.cs(10,31): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'PageModel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Data\SchoolContext.cs(17,16): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'DbSet<>' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Data\SchoolContext.cs(18,16): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'DbSet<>' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Data\SchoolContext.cs(20,49): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ModelBuilder' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Data\SchoolContext.cs(20,33): error CS0115: 'SchoolContext.OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder)': no suitable method found to override [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] Data\SchoolContext.cs(12,30): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'DbContextOptions<>' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\STR\source\repos\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve\ContosoObserve.csproj] 0 Warning(s)
dotnet restore
to get all the nuget packages? – Neil