I create a class extending NavigationPage and an android renderer for it.
using System; using Xamarin.Forms;
namespace NoviSportsProt.CustomViews
public class SecondaryNavigationPage : NavigationPage
public SecondaryNavigationPage(Page root) : base(root)
so this is the code. When i do my navigation with my custom class, the page successfully goes to the new page but there is no navigation toolbar.
-Shows navigation toolbar-
MainPage.MainPageInstance.Navigation.PushAsync(new NavigationPage(new DummyPage()));
-Doesn't show navigation toolbar-
MainPage.MainPageInstance.Navigation.PushAsync(new SecondaryNavigationPage(new DummyPage()));
If i disable export renderer to my NavigationPage, the toolbar shows up but empty
NavigationPage.HasNavigationBar = true;
? – Muhammad Khan