I'm new to WEKA and I would ask you if anyone can help me to understand if i'm using WEKA correctly.
1) I have a Dat set including 11377 record classified as follows:
- 11111 records have class YES
- 266 records have class NO
(For some reason, i can use only J48 algorithm for classification) When I select the J48 algorithm for the classification, the model classify the data with class "NO" incorrectly because the class distribuition is unbalanced. What can I do to solve this problem in the correct way?
2) After having balanced the classes I have to divide the data set into test set and training set, but what is the best/right filter on WEKA to do this ask?
3) When the data have passed the pre-processing phase, once selected the J48 algorithm in the Classify form, what should I test? training or test set? How many times do I have to repeat the tests?
Thanks in advance!