
I'm creating a google sheet where I want to display a Query on Sheet A, and have it look through data on Sheet B.

My sheets tabs names are the following:

Sheet A = List

Sheet B = Master Database

Currently, I'm using the following formula on Sheet A:

=SELECT(Sheet'Master Database'!A:K, WHERE 'Master Database'!C CONTAINS ‘”,'List'!B5,”‘”)

However, I'm getting Error, Formula parse error. Please help!


Are those quotes the same type in Excel, or the result of a copy/paste? Some of those " marks look to be a different character, perhaps that's causing the issue? Replace the and with " (and with ').BruceWayne

1 Answers


On Google Sheets, there isn't a built-in function called SELECT. To learn what are the available functions see Google Sheets Functions List. Maybe you are looking for QUERY function.

By the other hand the references and quotes are wrong. See Reference data from other sheets