Say I have view controllers A, B & C embedded in a navigation controller. From C, I present a new navigation controller for a separate logical flow but need to return back to A upon completion. So the app flow is as follows: A->B->C -- present new navigation controller modally -- D->E->F. Then go from F back to A.
I have set up an unwind segue, however, the unwind segue only takes me back to D even though I have set it up to return back to A.
How can I make it unwind all the way back to A? Am I missing something I don't see? Thank you.
Inside A:
@IBAction func unwindToHome(segue:UIStoryboardSegue){}
Then I have control-dragged from F to its 'exit' and chose the unwind segue I created in A, and wrote this segue code:
private let SEGUE_TO_HOME = "unwindToHome"
performSegue(withIdentifier: SEGUE_TO_HOME, sender: nil)