
I'm trying to upload my package to PyPI using twine. I've followed the official documentation and I'm getting stopped at this step: twine upload dist/* I don't have errors on any previous steps, and I've been using python3 instead of python (so all previous steps have used python3 or pip3)

$ twine upload dist/*
Invalid command: upload

$ which twine

$ twine --version
Twine version 1.0.1

$ which python3

Turns out I have a different twine installed, this one, causing the error. How can I remove the currently installed twine and install the correct PyPi Twine?

Update 1 I've removed the other version of twine. I ran pip3 install twine and it gave a lot of lines of Requirement already satisfied: twine in /Users/..... but if I run twine --version I get -bash: twine: command not found


1 Answers


Do you have something else in your $PATH which matches twine, and so it might be using this instead of the PyPi Twine?

$PATH is searched from beginning to end, with the first matching executable being run. So directories at the beginning of $PATH take precedence over those that come later.