I'm no expert on FsCheck either, but I think there is some weird stuff going on in your code apart from the missing functions. What's StringExtensions.skipLastChar
doing? Also I don't think Gen
s can be concatenated with string
s like you are trying to in the last line. What's Gen.finalValueOf
supposed to do?
I got your example working (not sure if it does what you need it to) using Gen.map
to join the strings to a comma separated list and wrap the result in brackets:
let jsonArray =
|> Gen.arrayOf
|> Gen.map (String.concat "\",\"")
|> Gen.map (fun strs -> "[\"" + strs + "\"]")
let result = Arb.fromGen jsonArray
By the way: I think you need to consider generated double quotes. If you don't escape them your JSON parser will fail. Below is a version of jsonArray
that does that:
let escapeDoubleQuotes (str:string) = str.Replace ("\"", "\\\"")
let jsonArray =
|> Gen.arrayOf
|> Gen.map (Array.map escapeDoubleQuotes)
|> Gen.map (String.concat "\", \"")
|> Gen.map (fun strs -> "[\"" + strs + "\"]")