I am fairly new to C so I've been honing my skills by working on this program which recovers passwords by searching two text files for matching hashes. When I attempt to compile this program, I get the following error.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
As such, I attempted to debug my program using valgrind. As I'm rather new to C I do not quite understand the errors in my program. The errors are as follows.
Error 1: Possible memory leaks.
552 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 1 of 2
at 0x4C2DB8F: malloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-
by 0x4EA7CDC: __fopen_internal (iofopen.c:69)
by 0x4008E7: matchfile (in /home/st2411/test)
by 0x400873: main (in /home/st2411/test)
Error 2: Invalid read of size 1. I find this error rather difficult to understand as it does not indicate which line the error occurred
Invalid read of size 1
at 0x4EE4070: __strstr_sse2_unaligned (strstr-sse2-unaligned.S:22)
by 0x4009DA: matchfile (in /home/st2411/test)
by 0x400873: main (in /home/st2411/test)
Address 0x0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
My Code Is as follows :
#define MAXCHAR 1000
//Declaring Functions to match word in file
int matchfile(char *shadowfilename, char
*hashtablefilename);//shadowfilename for shadow.txt hashtablefilename for hash table
void UsageInfo(char *shadowfile, char * hashtablefile );//Display usage info on arguements for program
void UsageInfo(char *shadowfile, char * hashtablefile) {
printf("Usage: %s %s <shadowfile> <hashtable>\n", shadowfile, hashtablefile);
//main function.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int result;
int errcode;
//Display format for user to enter arguements and
//End program if user does not enter exactly 3 arguements
if(argc < 3 || argc > 3) {
//Pass command line arguements into searchstringinfile
result = matchfile(argv[1], argv[2]);
//Display error message
if(result == -1) {
printf("Error number = %d\n", errcode);
//Declaring Functions to match word in file
int matchfile(char *shadowfilename, char *hashtablefilename){
//Declare file containing user account and hashed password
FILE *shadowfile;
//Declare file containing list of words and corresponding hash values
FILE *hashtable;
//char variables to extract text from files
char strshadow[MAXCHAR];
char strhash[MAXCHAR];
//read from file containing user account and hashed password
shadowfile = fopen(shadowfilename, "r");
//error message if file does not exist
if (shadowfile == NULL){
printf("Could not open file %s",shadowfilename);
return 1;
//read from file containing list of words and corresponding hash values
hashtable = fopen(hashtablefilename, "r");
//error message if file does not exist
if (hashtable == NULL){
printf("Could not open file %s",hashtablefilename);
return 1;
const char ch = '$';
//char variables to extract hash values
//char *strshadowvalues for shadow file;
//char *strhashvalues for hash table file;
//Valgrind detected an error here
char *strshadowvalues;
char *strhashvalues;
//variable to check line number for matched
int linenumber = 1;
//Variable to count match results
int search_result = 0;
while (fgets(strshadow, MAXCHAR, shadowfile) != NULL && fgets(strhash, MAXCHAR, hashtable) != NULL){
strshadowvalues = strchr(strshadow, ch);
strhashvalues = strchr(strhash, ch);
//Matching hashes line-by-line
if((strstr(strshadowvalues,strhashvalues)) != NULL) {
//Display lines in which matched hash is found
printf("A match found on line: %d\n", linenumber);
//Display matching hash in shadow file
printf("Shadow:\n%s\n", strshadow);
//Display matching hash in shadow file
printf("Hash: \n%s\n", strhash);
}//Display message if no match
if((strstr(strshadowvalues,strhashvalues)) == NULL|| strshadowvalues==NULL || strhashvalues==NULL) {
printf("No password found ");
//close file
return 0;
If someone could explain to me where I've gone wrong and guide me on how to fix them, I would be very grateful.
will give you more information.. Like line number ;). – Stargateurfopen()
two files, butfclose()
only one of them. That's where your memory leak comes from. – M Oehm