In firebase realtime database, I have data as such:
"users" : {
"37KfZKDwrieIEKI9juAC4Xm8aPi1" : {
"isConnected" : false,
"isGuestUser" : false,
"lastOnline" : 1510250272022,
"profilePicture" : "5a039030515e78653148",
"userID" : "37KfZKDwrieIEKI9juAC4Xm8aPi1",
"username" : "adsfasdfasdf"
"4D1GNiRH5NeRxpmTNg6JhJ3iTck1" : {
"isConnected" : false,
"isGuestUser" : true,
"lastOnline" : 1510077502788,
"profilePicture" : "5a01f2648278b6652011",
"userID" : "4D1GNiRH5NeRxpmTNg6JhJ3iTck1",
"username" : "ihoho"
"5UA3INZ7i0dnNtgX0ai5ABhjxh43" : {
"isConnected" : false,
"isGuestUser" : true,
"lastOnline" : 1512610102474,
"profilePicture" : "5a14df775a34f2388873",
"userID" : "5UA3INZ7i0dnNtgX0ai5ABhjxh43",
"username" : "jlkjlkjlkj"
I am using an external API that returns a Json that looks like this
"candidates" : [
"enrollment_timestamp" : "1510182689539",
"subject_id" : "37KfZKDwrieIEKI9juAC4Xm8aPi1",
"enrollment_timestamp" : "1513557650425",
"subject_id" : "CKUVZ7XtY9VKJakn1lBV7MVW1702",
"enrollment_timestamp" : "1507578748901",
"subject_id" : "l7VDdtGFpMe8BRbrlCyAciTvONk1",
The ultimate goal is to get all the users from the json from the external api that are online. This requires listening to the 'isConnected' endpoint in each user, and determining if it is true or false.
Now this is impossible using firebase and my current data structure, because firstly firebase does not support multiple query parameters, so I cannot do where userID = subjectID && where isConnected == true, and secondly, more importantly, firebase does not let me do the equivalent of WHERE IN, i.e. mapping userID's to an array of potential userIDs supplied client side (fyi subjectID === userID)
So what I did was restructure my data like so;
"onlineUsers" : {
"Aze1x7jTZIbPyyPmlUYWVdEyAd73" : true,
"CQdmMxkmqBerRGOQpFblx7SO4D33" : true,
"EptMK62Kt1Sp1EIb5meuKHVpUqs1" : true,
"J2X65KauDlSvkN4Yp5V4IF0sTnx1" : true,
"KnYEqsekY9YXV3ayOx082xw8VQX2" : true,
"aGLrKH31YvRKrB8KYQmZ4sA122m1" : true,
"ab3JZyw9YMdpW3mXkZc2BjYkxej2" : true,
"gpQic1EzSnXL9x5DhaoXxcWrGF22" : true,
"qQaBPMaDOrXrWddsijfMJWusuGG3" : true,
"tDWEUoKS4mUdQ1bWeiLTlhwCSoD3" : true
Now all I have to do to get all online users that are in the external api json is query onlineUsers with the condition parameter checking by the key. That way I know if the result is null, the user is not online:
static func queryDatabase(child: String, queryEqual: String, keyOf: Int, completionHandler: @escaping (_ return: AnyObject?, _ error: String?) -> Void){
print("querying db with child ", child)
let ref = databaseReference.child(child).queryOrderedByKey().queryEqual(toValue: queryEqual)
ref.observe(.value, with:{ (snapshot: DataSnapshot) in
print("subjectID: ", queryEqual, "at key ", keyOf)
print("queryResult", snapshot)
if let value = (snapshot.value as? [String: AnyObject])?[queryEqual] {
print("unwrapped snapshot dict value from key: ", value)
completionHandler(value, nil)
print("no value for key \(queryEqual) so setting return as nil")
completionHandler(nil, nil)
}){ (error) in
completionHandler(nil, error.localizedDescription )
This function would be called simple by looping through the external api json, and calling this function ^^ every iteration, something like:
for (key, valueSubjectID) in arrayOfOrderedMatches.enumerated(){
//call function queryDatabase here
queryDatabase(child: "onlineUsers", queryEqual: valueSubjectID, keyOf: key, completionHandler:{ (response, error) in
//it would return the user if they were online here
Now. This works. It is the most efficient way I can possible think of doing it after looking around the internet and considering every possibility. However, now onto the big problem: the json from the api can be thousands and thousands of users long. This means thousands of listeners would be being attached to check each individual user to see if they are online. This, as I have been told by a Firebase developer, is not ideal. I should not be attaching thousands of listeners. Additionally, for some reason, listeners stop being added at around 3500, i'm guessing because it bugs out. I can't remove the listeners if the query returns null (ie offline) because of the way the cache offline persistence works, and even if I could I don't think this would solve the problem. Is there any way this problem can be solved?