I invite you to check out the following fibonacci related problem from project Euler. The question asks the users to first generate a fibonacci sequence or function capable of returning the nth fibonacci number. I used the zipWith solution to generate a lazy/infinite list of fibonacci numbers:
fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
Next, the question asks to restrict the list to fibonacci numbers/values less than 4e6, and then sum the even numbers. I thought this would be a very simple list comprehension:
sum [x | x<-fibs, even x && x < (4*10^6 + 1)]
This expression will not finish evaluating.... I thought it would proceed until it finds the right-most number (the first fib greater than 4e6, the 34th element in the list fibs!!34
) and then terminate the list, summing a small number of integers. What am I doing wrong?
to stop processing the list when it no longer satisfies a predicate. – 4castle