I am trying to modify the metadata of some audio files in C++, and I came across [what I thought was] a possible way using Windows Media Foundation. So I tried to put together a simple solution:
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <mfapi.h>
#include <mfidl.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "Mf.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "Mfplat.lib")
int main() {
CComPtr<IMFSourceResolver> source_resolver(nullptr);
if (FAILED(hr = MFCreateSourceResolver(&source_resolver))) {
// Handle errors...
CComPtr<IUnknown> source_object(nullptr);
if (FAILED(hr = source_resolver->CreateObjectFromURL(L"audio_file_here", MF_RESOLUTION_MEDIASOURCE | MF_RESOLUTION_READ | MF_RESOLUTION_CONTENT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_TO_MATCH_EXTENSION_OR_MIME_TYPE, NULL, &object_type, &source_object))) {
// Handle errors...
CComPtr<IMFMediaSource> source(nullptr);
if (FAILED(hr = source_object->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&source)))) {
// Handle errors...
CComPtr<IMFPresentationDescriptor> presentation_descriptor(nullptr);
if (FAILED(hr = source->CreatePresentationDescriptor(&presentation_descriptor))) {
// Handle errors...
CComPtr<IMFMetadataProvider> metadata_prov(nullptr);
if (FAILED(hr = MFGetService(source, MF_METADATA_PROVIDER_SERVICE, IID_PPV_ARGS(&metadata_prov)))) {
// Handle errors...
CComPtr<IMFMetadata> metadata(nullptr);
if (FAILED(hr = metadata_prov->GetMFMetadata(presentation_descriptor, 0, NULL, &metadata))) {
// Handle errors...
/* Use metadata, etc etc */
It works fine for a standard MP3 (.mp3) file, yet it always fails on AAC (.m4a from iTunes) audio files. Specifically, the MFGetService()
function fails with a return value given by Visual Studio as "The object does not support the specified service."
I don't understand why this is the case. Right here it says Media Foundation supports AAC, and Windows definitely supports it somehow, because I can play my AAC files perfectly fine via the in-built Groove Music player.
Furthermore, the file metadata is also readable by Windows somehow, because I can view the properties of the file in Explorer, which it lists the title, artist, album, etc just fine.
So how can I read and write metadata from MP3 and AAC audio files? Is it possible through Media Foundation, or do I need another tool from the Windows APIs? (I've seen reference here to a method involving a "Windows Shell interface", is that the way to go?)