
I am having some trouble with this one. I am trying to paste a range, that varies based on a selection from a userform, to a new workbook. The pasting is not working. I've gotten feedback that I need to eliminate the use of activesheet, and name the specific targeted workbook. I don't know how to name it if it is a new workbook. I also don't know how to save it to the users desktop.

Anyways. The code fails here (1st line):

Workbooks("Restaurant Manager -Master.xlsx").Worksheets(wsexport).Activate
Workbooks("Restaurant Manager -Master.xlsx").Worksheets(wsexport).Unprotect
Workbooks("Restaurant Manager -Master.xlsx").Worksheets(wsexport).Range("BA6::BT200").Copy

Below is the full code, with so you can see the action I am trying to take - passing the worksheet name variable from the userform cboExportInvoiceWeek. Ideally, the user clicks a button and a new csv file is created. The only variable I have is the worksheet (one for each week of year). The cell values are static.

Again, my issue is the actual pasting into the new workbook.

Private Sub cmbInvoicesExport_Click()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim CurrentFileName As String
CurrentFileName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Debug.Print "Active File: " + CurrentFileName

Dim wsexport As String
wsexport = cboExportInvoiceWeek.Value    

Workbooks("Restaurant Manager -Master.xlsx").Worksheets(wsexport).Activate
Workbooks("Restaurant Manager -Master.xlsx").Worksheets(wsexport).Unprotect
Workbooks("Restaurant Manager -Master.xlsx").Worksheets(wsexport).Range("BA6::BT200").Copy

Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add

NewBook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
NewBook.SaveAs Filename:=NewBook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("E3").Value

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
put Option Explicit at the top of your code and also, are you receiving any error messages? And your DIsplayAlerts code, as is, isn't doing anything.QHarr
Subscript out of range.jpend314
I tabbed out a line in between the display alerts to close the activeworkbook. I've since taken it all out.jpend314
what is the value of wsexport when it fails?QHarr
Maybe try to activate the workbook first then in a separate line the sheet within that workbookQHarr

1 Answers


Generally: I would check err.number after each suspicious step. In details:

  1. VBA drops subscript error when either the file is not open or the referred worksheet does not exist. So I would split Workbooks("Restaurant Manager -Master.xlsx").Worksheets(wsexport).Activate to

    Workbooks("Restaurant Manager -Master.xlsx").Activate


  2. For SaveAs I would put the desired filename to a variable and see how it looks. You might have to specify a path either. And you can see err.description too.

  3. You can find the path to desktop in a few ways, e.g. so:

    sPath=environ$("USERPROFILE") & "\desktop\"

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