In my application I often use data which contain two integer angles of spherical coordinates. They are phi (0 <= phi < 360 in degrees), and theta (0 <= theta <= 180 in degrees). Is there any way to compress these angles into 2 bytes? I have found solution which compresses them for 17 bits - it is enough for me, but maybe there any algorithm which allows to compress them for 16 bits? Unfortunately I don't know specific algorithms in such area (like compression theory)
2 Answers
Yes, you can do it: multiply the first angle phi
by 181, and add the second angle theta
. The result will fit in an unsigned 16-bit integer:
uint16_t compressed = 181 * phi + theta;
Given your constraints, the highest number that you are going to get is 65159 (359*181+180), which is barely under 216-1 (65535).
If the values of phi
and theta
are integers in your ranges, there are 360 possible values of phi
and 181 possible values of theta
. You can combine them into a single value between 0 and 65159 with the expression
phi * 181 + theta
Given a "compressed value of n
in the range, you can get back the original values with
phi = n // 181
theta = n % 181
Note that the values will fit into an unsigned 16-bit integer, which allows 0 to 65535, but not a signed one without further processing.
, then "decompress" with the help of modulo and division operators. – njuffa