I have created an avro-hive table and loaded data into avro-table from another table using hive insert-overwrite command.I can see the data in avro-hive table but when i try to load this into bigQuery table, It gives an error. Table schema:-
CREATE TABLE `adityadb1.gold_hcth_prfl_datatype_acceptence`(
`prfl_id` bigint,
`crd_dtl` array< struct < cust_crd_id:bigint,crd_nbr:string,crd_typ_cde:string,crd_typ_cde_desc:string,crdhldr_nm:string,crd_exprn_dte:string,acct_nbr:string,cre_sys_cde:string,cre_sys_cde_desc:string,last_upd_sys_cde:string,last_upd_sys_cde_desc:string,cre_tmst:string,last_upd_tmst:string,str_nbr:int,lng_crd_nbr:string>>)
Error that i am getting:-
Error encountered during job execution:
Error while reading data, error message: The Apache Avro library failed to read data with the follwing error: Cannot resolve:
I am using following command to load the data into bigquery:-
bq load --source_format=AVRO dataset.tableName avro-filePath