I am little confused how scoring is done in matchphrase and match query by seeing my results
For Match Phrase I have query like below
sd.Query(q =>
q.MatchPhrase(m => m
.Field(p => p.title)
.Query("Test Article in Credit")
the reults obtained are as below
a. document with "Test Article in Credit - Consumer" score 12.64
b. document with "Test Article with Credit -X" score 12.64
c. document with "Test Article in Credit - XYZ" score 10.92
d. document with "Test Article in Credit" score 10.22
e. document with "Test Article in Credit -Z" score 09.40
first two are from different index and last three from different index
According to me the fourth one should have high score and second should have lowest. I am using standard Analyzer
Similarly my match query does same
document with title"Test" is having high score than
document with title"Test Article in Credit"
I know scoring happens for more relevant articles based on frequency of term appearing , length of text.
How can i restructure my query to give documents in right order?