
I have swiper-container swiper-slider class for image slide. Here the problem is, Images are not sliding automatically. I have to make image slider work automatically without clicking the next and prev button. Here is my full code. It might be help to answer. Instead of carousel her used Swiper class please help.

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     var item_length = $('.swiper-slide > div').length - 1;
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Have a look at this example carouselHabib Ur Rehman
Yes i had look into that. But i have declared swiper class in whole page. Now i can't turn into carousel.user8558464
Are you using autoplay property? and have you added proper .js files into your code at right places? double check it.Habib Ur Rehman
Yes. Correctly added .user8558464
You will need to provide a more complete snippet/link with the JavaScript included for the slider, so that a working example can be tested and seen to fail. It can't be diagnosed if we have to work on the assumption that everything is definitely correctly added.Haroon R.

2 Answers


You need to initialize Swiper with the autoplay setting enabled in your JavaScript:

var mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
  autoplay: {
    delay: 5000,

Source: Swiper Parameters - Autoplay

Edit: The updated code shows that the Slick slider script is being used, but the markup is for Swiper. The HTML needs to be written according the Slick documentation, and the correct element then needs to be targeted to initialize it.


If I've guessed it correctly, You might want to use the carousel instead of swiper class. Less fuzz and more fun.

Bootstrap Carousel

Hope it helps. -N Baua