
How can i clone aws codecommit repo with chef recipe?

I tried installing AWS CLI and added credentials with codecommit access, then use chef’s git resource to clone the repo. but it fails with could not read Username for ‘https://git-codecommit.us-east-1.amazonaws.com’ .

git "/home/ubuntu/lead_intake" do
  repository node[:app_name][:git_repository]
  action :sync

When tried to clone from the command line it works.

helps would be appreciated

What user did you add the credentials for? Remember that Chef is generally running as root so any creds would go in /root/.coderanger
Hello, the aws credential and .gitconfig are stored under, /root/.aws/Vishnu Prassad
The credentials have to be in your git config, /root/.aws/ wouldn't do anything.coderanger
i have this in .gitconfig, [credential] helper = !aws codecommit credential-helper $@ UseHttpPath = trueVishnu Prassad
and it works when I run the clone command locally.Vishnu Prassad

1 Answers


First, make sure you have correct Access key ID and Secret access key in IAM -> users -> Security Credentials. Second, put [credential] helper = !aws codecommit credential-helper $@ UseHttpPath = true into .gitconfig file. Third, Both .gitconfig file and .aws directory should in the /root/ . Maybe this is the problem that you have. You put the .gitconfig in the /root/.aws/, which will make credential helper useless. Thus it is asking your Username/Password.

If you have done all the things above, it also fails, I suggest you to use ssh to clone the repository. Follow this documentation http://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/setting-up-ssh-unixes.html