1] Camel Spring Boot version 2.19.0
2] Attempt for Camel XML DSL Rest
Problem Statement : As per given example I moved my Camel context to a separate folder called "camel" under main/resources folder of Spring Boot project. However upon invocation it throws Unmarshall Exception CamelSpringBootInitializationException unexpected element
I removed them and added to another folder then none of the routes got detected !!
<camel:camelContext id="chCoolCamelContext" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">
<restConfiguration bindingMode="auto" component="restlet" port="9091" />
<rest path="/chcool">
<get uri="pipeRequestXN2">
<to uri="direct-vm:getNewYearDiscount" />
<route id="assocDisc-RequestRoute">
<from uri="direct-vm:getNewYearDiscount" />
<process ref="newYearDiscReqProcessor"></process>
<bean id="newYearDiscReqProcessor" class="com.wm.mad.disc.camel.processor"></bean>
Any help in the matter? How to add them so that it is automatically detected by Boot. I need to use XML DSL as the rest of the routes are existing applications.