
I configured a primary and secondary record sets in AWS Route53. I am using an ALB (Application Load Balancer) for my primary, and a Web hosted S3 static page for my secondary. So both Record Set type is set as CNAME.

The name of the Record Sets:
Primary: route53.samplesite.net
Secondary: route53.samplesite.net

I was able to redirect my page to the secondary whenever the primary is down.

However I have one problem. My primary is consisted of several applications that works independently. When I say independently, I meant that I do the maintenance to each application separately so they are down at different times.
So, there's domain1, domain2, domain3 and so on set as my primary. I wanted to set only one Secondary page for all my primary records and was hoping that it could work once I changed the domain name of the secondary to:


and leave the primary to route53.samplesite.net,route53-2.samplesite.net, etc...

This is the only approached I tried but it is not working. I know that it will work if I set a different secondary for each primary but is there any easier and a better way to accomplish my goal above?


1 Answers


No, there isn't.

On the right hand side, the * is not interpreted the same way it is on the left. It gets no special treatment as a target.

There is no way in Route 53 to map *.example.com to reference e.g. *.example.org so that for any value, the answer contains the same prefix with a different suffix. You'll need to configure them individually.