
More details: Macbook Air 10.12.6 (16G1036); Python version: python3.6 IDE: Pycharm 2017.3.1

Error: Users/lrh/PycharmProjects/TensorFlowDemo/venv/bin/python /Applications/PyCharm.app/Contents/helpers/pydev/pydev_run_in_console.py 51562 51563 /Users/lrh/PycharmProjects/TensorFlowDemo/demo1.py Error starting server with host: "localhost", port: "51562", client_port: "51563" Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Applications/PyCharm.app/Contents/helpers/pydev/pydevconsole.py", line 270, in start_console_server server = XMLRPCServer((host, port), logRequests=False, allow_none=True) File "/Users/lrh/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/xmlrpc/server.py", line 598, in init socketserver.TCPServer.init(self, addr, requestHandler, bind_and_activate) File "/Users/lrh/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/socketserver.py", line 453, in init self.server_bind() File "/Users/lrh/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/socketserver.py", line 467, in server_bind self.socket.bind(self.server_address) OSError: [Errno 49] Can't assign requested address Console server didn't start

how can i fix it?


1 Answers


Because the console uses the port 51562 and 51563. So you might didnt exit a program correctly to cause the ports are still using.