
Angular Cli: after eject i can't use ng commands like ng build --prod --app 1 --output-hashing=false

  1. is there is a webpack alternative options for:
    • choosing app to build inside .angular-cli.json
    • output hashing ture.false
  2. i am thinking of using gulp alongside with angular cli without ejecting the webpack and avoid ejecting webpack out of angular , what do you think ?

2 Answers


have you checked these issues,

a workaround is being suggested ng eject --prod; possibly you can try that.


for anyone having same problem, i found in this cli documentation https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/wiki/eject

you can pass parameters to ng eject that you pass for ng build with full documentation in this page

ng eject ejects your app and output the proper webpack configuration and scripts.

This command uses the same flags as ng build, generating webpack configuration to match those flags.

You can use --force to overwrite existing configurations. You can eject multiple times, to have a dev and prod config for instance, by renaming the ejected configuration and using the --force flag.