I'm having trouble with my vue-router. I've copied a portion of my router for you to view and also a portion of the component in which I am using the the router-view. As you can see, I am using props as it's my understanding that props are the advanced way of passing $router.params. Also, this is a nested router-view. I can route to and from the nested routes just fine, but when I click refresh, I get these errors in the console.
"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)"
"GET http://localhost:8080/distilleries/1/dist/build.js net::ERR_ABORTED"
I am wondering if anyone can help.
path: '/distilleries/:id',
component: Distillery,
props: true,
children: [
path: '',
component: DistilleryAbout,
name: 'DistilleryAbout',
props: true
path: 'spirits',
props: true,
component: DistilleryProducts,
name: 'DistilleryProducts'
path: 'awards',
props: true,
component: DistilleryAwards,
name: 'DistilleryAwards'
path: 'reviews',
props: true,
component: DistilleryReviews,
name: 'DistilleryReviews'
path: 'recipes',
props: true,
component: DistilleryRecipes,
name: 'DistilleryRecipes'
path: 'media',
props: true,
component: DistilleryMedia,
name: 'DistilleryMedia'
<v-flex xs12>
<v-toolbar class="lb" flat>
<v-toolbar-items style="margin: 0 auto">
<v-layout row wrap>
<v-flex xs6 md12 class="mt-3">
v-for="items in menuItems"
class="itemsButton ma-3 pa-3 cb"
:to="{ name: items.link }"
>{{ items.title }}
<router-view :distillery="distillery"></router-view>