
I need the 'deploy to ibm cloud' button to clone and deploy 3 Git repos. I had a look around and per Bluemix toolchain export & import I figured what could work well is to modify https://github.com/open-toolchain/microservices-toolchain-hosted. And it is giving me a lovely UI which creates 3 correctly cloned repos and 3 pipelines. But I cannot get in to any of the pipelines - they all say (forever):

The Delivery Pipeline service is being initialized. This might take a minute...

One of the pipeline.yml I have used before with the 'deploy to cloud' button, but just for one repo, and that worked.

In the console I see:

de87fd0d-f482-492a-8e3b-618a9ea2dfa2?env_id=ibm:yp:us-south:1 WebSocket connection to 'wss://pipeline-ui-service.ng.bluemix.net/devops/pipelines/socket.io/?pipelineId=de87fd0d-f482-492a-8e3b-618a9ea2dfa2&sessionId=f0145a6d-924d-4922-a464-60109321bba5&time=1513850425418&EIO=3&transport=websocket' failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established.

I'm struggling to debug this. I can't find any logs or clues to say what is wrong. Am I going about this the right way? Are there any logs/way to debug this? Or even any docs, all I can find is about setting it up in the UI. Which is fine, that works. But I want it just like that open toolchain which simplifies it for my customers.

EDIT: I narrowed it down to the removal of saucelabs. I removed its yml file and all references to it from the toolchain.yml and pipeline*yml files. And now the pipelines won't initialize, even when I use the default microservices repos. Here is the commit: https://github.com/MaeveOReilly/toolchain-fun/commit/6a9e1f49deca4b1f2932789fb60fbf39339f1d42#diff-08ef8388c233ad3eb0b293470baa5d23

And here is a faulty pipeline: https://console.bluemix.net/devops/pipelines/52a0dcd6-38a8-4452-9e48-03c895484f1e?env_id=ibm:yp:us-south


2 Answers


Yes there are docs about DevOps Open Toolchain and debugging here:


Let me know if that's enough, or if you would like some more assistance.

If you have a sample repo available, I can help debug it or get in contact with the DevOps team to help fix it.


The problem was I also needed to remove references to the 'test' service in the toolchain.yml. I removed the service, which was where I found the saucelabs stuff, but failed to remove refs to it.

service_id: pipeline
    - ui-repo
    - test