
I am trying to add subtotal rows in a pivot table (using pandas pd.pivot_table). This is the code table = pd.pivot_table(df, values= ['Quantity', 'Money', 'Cost'], index=['house','date', 'currency', 'family name'], columns=[], fill_value=0, aggfunc=np.sum). This is the corresponding output (exported to excel):

enter image description here

Then, I tried to get a subtotal row using house as a reference. I followed the steps stated in this link Pivot table subtotals in Pandas so I created a group using tablesum = table.groupby(level='house').sum(). everything seemed to be fine until I tried to concatenate table and tablesum dataframes. This is what I got (for family A):

enter image description here

Basically, I obtained the four categories stated in table´s index (house, date, currency, family name) in just one column (separate by commas). So, even when I get the subtotal by house, I lost the pivot_table separation. So, my question is: how can I keep it (mantaining pivot_table´s index in different columns)?

Any help would be highly apprecited it.


pd: I also checked this link Sub Total in pandas pivot Table but this gave me another type of error related to strings and numbers.

Could you provide some test data to show whats happening?Gabriel A
I edit answer completely, please check it.jezrael

2 Answers


You can create custom MultiIndex with 4 levels and then assign.

Notice: Second level date has to be converted to strings, because concat with strings too, else get:

TypeError: Cannot compare type 'Timestamp' with type 'str'

df = pd.DataFrame({'house':list('aaaaabbbbb'),
                   'date':['2015-01-01'] * 3 + ['2015-01-02'] * 2 + 
                          ['2015-01-01'] * 3 +['2015-01-02'] * 2,
                   'currency':['USD'] * 3 + ['NK'] * 2 + ['USD'] * 3 +['NK'] * 2,
                   'family name':list('aabbccaabb')})

print (df)
   Cost  Money  Quantity currency        date family name house
0     5      5         1      USD  2015-01-01           a     a
1     3      3         3      USD  2015-01-01           a     a
2     6      6         5      USD  2015-01-01           b     a
3     9      9         7       NK  2015-01-02           b     a
4     2      2         1       NK  2015-01-02           c     a
5     4      4         0      USD  2015-01-01           c     b
6     7      7         7      USD  2015-01-01           a     b
7     2      2         2      USD  2015-01-01           a     b
8     3      3         3       NK  2015-01-02           b     b
9     9      9         9       NK  2015-01-02           b     b

#convert only for subtotal - join with empty strings
df['date'] = df['date'].astype(str)

table = pd.pivot_table(df, values= ['Quantity', 'Money', 'Cost'], 
                       index=['house','date', 'currency', 'family name'], 
print (table)
                                       Cost  Money  Quantity
house date       currency family name                       
a     2015-01-01 USD      a               8      8         4
                          b               6      6         5
      2015-01-02 NK       b               9      9         7
                          c               2      2         1
b     2015-01-01 USD      a               9      9         9
                          c               4      4         0
      2015-01-02 NK       b              12     12        12

tablesum = table.groupby(level='house').sum()

tablesum.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([tablesum.index.get_level_values(0)+ '_sum', 
                                            len(tablesum.index) * [''],
                                            len(tablesum.index) * [''],
                                            len(tablesum.index) * ['']])

print (tablesum)
          Cost  Money  Quantity
a_sum       25     25        17
b_sum       25     25        21

print (tablesum.index)
MultiIndex(levels=[['a_sum', 'b_sum'], [''], [''], ['']],
           labels=[[0, 1], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]])

df = pd.concat([table, tablesum]).sort_index(level=0)
print (df)
                                       Cost  Money  Quantity
house date       currency family name                       
a     2015-01-01 USD      a               8      8         4
                          b               6      6         5
      2015-01-02 NK       b               9      9         7
                          c               2      2         1
a_sum                                    25     25        17
b     2015-01-01 USD      a               9      9         9
                          c               4      4         0
      2015-01-02 NK       b              12     12        12
b_sum                                    25     25        21

You can use transform to keep the original table layout after a goupby. So the following might give you the result you want.


If this wasn't exactly what you wanted, please clarify.
