I am trying to use embedded forms with a start event with the Camunda spring boot starter.
My startEvent is described like this:
<bpmn:startEvent id="StartEvent_1" name="Rechnungseingang" camunda:formKey="embedded:app:forms/rechnungseingang.html">
The form itself is located under "src/main/webapp/forms/rechnungseingang.html", from my understanding this should be the correct path.
If I try to start the process after starting the spring boot app, I am receiving the error: "Form failure: The context path is either empty or not defined."
In the browser console, I can see a request to http://localhost:8080/test/api/engine/engine/default/process-definition/Rechnungseingang:1:927f0aa4-e590-11e7-973d-e2cbd8678b9f/startForm with the response:
Obviously the application can't handle the null value in the contextPath. How am I able to set the contextPath for Camunda in Spring Boot? In the application.properties I already tried to set server.context-path
with no effect.