The graph is below:
ARFrame -> 3DModelFilter(SCNScene + SCNRender) -> OtherFilters -> GPUImageView.
Load 3D model:
NSError* error;
SCNScene* scene =[SCNScene sceneWithURL:url options:nil error:&error];
Render 3D model:
SCNRenderer* render = [SCNRenderer rendererWithContext:context options:nil];
render.scene = scene;
[render renderAtTime:0];
Now,I am puzzle on how to apply ARFrame's camera transform to the SCNScene.
Some guess:
- Can I assign ARFrame camera's transform to the transform of camera node in scene without any complex operation?
- The ARFrame camera's projectMatrix do not have any help to me in this case?
update 2017-12-23.
First of all, thank @rickster for your reply. According to your suggestion, I add code in ARSession didUpdateFrame callback:
ARCamera* camera =;
SCNMatrix4 cameraMatrix = SCNMatrix4FromMat4(camera.transform);
cameraNode.transform = cameraMatrix;
matrix_float4x4 mat4 = [camera projectionMatrixForOrientation:UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait viewportSize:CGSizeMake(375, 667) zNear:0.001 zFar:1000];
camera.projectionTransform = SCNMatrix4FromMat4(mat4);
Run app.
1. I can't see the whole ship, only part of it. So I add a a translation to the camera's tranform. I add the code below and can see the whole ship.
cameraMatrix = SCNMatrix4Mult(cameraMatrix, SCNMatrix4MakeTranslation(0, 0, 15));
2. When I move the iPhone up or down, the tracking seem's work. But when I move the iPhone left or right, the ship is follow my movement until disappear in screen.
I think there is some important thing I missed.