We are doing the data transformations using Google Dataproc and all our data is residing in Dataproc Hive tables. How do i transfer/move this data to BigQuery.
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We are in the process of evaluating the GCP cloud offerings. Our use case is to use Dataproc for our Hive/Spark related jobs and dump final data from Hive tables to BigQuery. We see that Google is offering Bigquery connector to transfer data from Hive to BigQuery, i just wanted to check what would be the ideal way of moving the data from Dataproc to BigQuery.
– bigdata
1 Answers
Transfer to BigQuery from Hive seems to have a standard pattern:
- dump your Hive into Avro files
- Load those files in BigQuery
See an example here: Migrate hive table to Google BigQuery
As mentioned above, take care about the types compatibility between Hive/Avro/BigQuery.
And for the first time I guess it would not hurt to do some validations by comparing that the tables on both Hive and BigQuery have the same data: https://github.com/bolcom/hive_compared_bq