I have a paid twilio account with verified number and am trying to use the bash script supplied by twilio entitled "twilio-call" on Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS. The response is: Failed to call 941-8XX-XXXX: curl (22): The requested URL returned: 404 NOT FOUND.
I know that I have the credentials set correctly as the bash script entitled "twilio-sms" works flawlessly.
The bash script "twilio-call" has been downloaded directly from twilio.com/labs/bash and the permissions have been set correctly.
The actual curl command is:
RESPONSE=curl -fSs -u "$ACCOUNTSID:$AUTHTOKEN" -d "Caller=$CALLERID" -d "Called=$PHONE" -d "Url=http://twimlets.com/message?Message=$MSG" "https://api.twilio.com/2008-08-01/Accounts/$ACCOUNTSID/Calls" 2>&1
The variables $ACCOUNTSID, $AUTHTOKEN, $CALLERID, $PHONE, and $MSG have all been verified to be populated correctly.
What could be causing this 404 response? Am I correct in my understanding that a verified number from twilio which works correctly for sms should also work for call?