
I have a batch (*.bat) file that triggers a Python script and this script takes about 25 minutes to complete interactivly (through command prompt manuallly). This batch file needs to run in the morning on a daily basis.

When I tried to set it as a Scheduled Task on Windows Task Scheduler and ran it there, it took nearly double the time than it did interactively. Even if I set the Priority settings from the default 7 to 4 (higher priority) in the xml, it didn't make any differnce. Changing the Priority settings only works for I/O Priority but does not work for Memory Priority, which still remains at 4 (1 level down the interactive run which is 5). Memory Priority plays an important role in supporting a long process.

I am wondering if there is a way to trigger the bat file as a scheduled task but not using Task Scheduler, alternative program to Task Scheduler or scripts?

alternative program to Task Scheduler or scripts? - schtasksStephan

2 Answers


'Timeout' might a good command to schedule your task without Task Scheduler.

timeout /t 1500
[command to trigger Python script]

So you want 'This batch file needs to run in the morning...', you can set the start time and end time as well:

set timeHrs=%time:~0,2%
set timeMin=%time:~3,2%
set timeSec=%time:~6,2%

[insert timeout command]

if "%timeHrs%" geq 6 if "%timeHrs%" leq 9 [command to trigger Python script]
rem The above command is check if Hour is in 6-9 (in morning).

If you want then you can copy code below (you might have to edit code as well):

@echo off
set timeHrs=%time:~0,2%
set timeMin=%time:~3,2%
set timeSec=%time:~6,2%

timeout /t 1500

if "%timeHrs%" geq 6 if "%timeHrs%" leq 9 [command to trigger Python script]
goto loop

You also want to add the exit in code as well, but I think you don't need it, just let the code run everyday.


As the above has no exit strategy and is delayed for at least 25 minutes, this batch file code may be better suited to your need, drop a reference into your login batch or other trigger...

@echo off
set timeHrs=%time:~0,2%
set timeMin=%time:~3,2%
set timeSec=%time:~6,2%

if "%timeHrs%" geq 6 if "%timeHrs%" leq 9 (
    [command to trigger Python script]
    exit /b 0

timeout /t 1500
goto loop