
I'm developing an App Engine app in Eclipse with Java. When deploying, I should be able to access the Datastore Viewer at


When going to the admin page, I see the datastore link, but clicking it doesn't show the datastore viewer:


I've checked that my gcloud SDK is the latest version, and so too is my Eclipse plugin.

I'm running OSX High Sierra, but have the same issue with Ubuntu.

Any advice? Thanks

Odd as it works for me. Are there any messages on the console log? What version of the appengine-api-1.0-sdk are you using? How did you configure the project?Brian de Alwis
I'm using 1.9.59. Stuff of note from logs: Dec 19, 2017 3:43:53 PM org.glassfish.jersey.internal.util.ExtendedLogger warning WARNING: The root of the app was not properly defined. Either use a Servlet 3.x container or add an init-param jersey.config.servlet.filter.contextPath to the filter configuration. Due to Servlet 2.x API, Jersey cannot determine the request base URI solely from the ServletContext. The application will most likely not work INFO: Module instance default is running at localhost:8081 INFO: The admin console is running at localhost:8081/_ah/adminb-wick
(Thanks, I was running into the character limit)b-wick

1 Answers


The Datastore Viewer (which is the UI access for the local emulation of Datastore that is available through the Local Development Server), should be accessed through the following link, as stated in the documentation:


Check that alternative link instead, maybe that was your only issue.