I'm implementing a LinkedIn API reader to get the summary and skills of the user. The OAuth2 authentication process works fine, but I get stucked here, when I try to retrieve the profile object:
public void OAuth2(string code, string state, string error, string error_description)
// create a configuration object
var config = new LinkedInApiConfiguration("api-key", "api-secret-code");
// get the APIs client
var api = new LinkedInApi(config);
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(error_description))
// handle error and error_description
var redirectUrl = "http://mywebsite/LinkedIn/OAuth2";
var userToken = api.OAuth2.GetAccessToken(code, redirectUrl);
var user = new UserAuthorization(userToken.AccessToken);
var profile = api.Profiles.GetMyProfile(user); //Here I don't know what to pass as acceptLanguages and FieldSelector!!
There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter 'acceptLanguages' of 'ProfilesApi.GetMyProfile(UserAuthorization, string[], FieldSelector)'
I'm trying to understand from Sparkle.LinkedIn Api project but there is no documentation.
I want to retrieve only the summary and skills fields.